Student Organizations

Student Org Links

Student Organizations

Art and Animation Club

Come join a diverse group of students who love the watching (and playing!) drawings in motion in multiple forms at the Center for New Media! We will also have little creative art projects for anyone who loves to draw and mini adventures throughout the year! For more information, contact Aubrey Rodgers at .

American Sign Language Honors Society of Kalamazoo

The purpose of this organization is to practice ASL and spread awareness of deaf culture. For more information, contact Jamie Hunerjager at .

Catholic Club

This student club aims to bring together those who desire to build deeper friendships on campus as well as with Jesus Christ, and to provide a safe space for honest discussion, mentorship, and accompaniment with resources for further spiritual growth. For more information, contact Claire McSwiney at .

Computer Club

The Computer Club is dedicated to helping students further their careers as IT professionals. For more information, contact David Barnes at or Jason Kovacs at .

Culinary and Sustainable Food Club

This student club is designed to offer learning experiences for students, create a network of engaging together, and attract potential CSF students to the major. For more information, contact Kyle Mitchell at .

Dental Hygiene (SADHA)

This organization is the Student American Dental Hygiene Association, and is for students studying dental hygiene only. For more information, contact Samantha Reidenbach .

Gaming Club

This organization is for students interested in playing all times of games. For more information, contact Beth Brandon at . They meet Thursdays from 4pm-9pm at Texas Township in room 4370-4380 through the fall semester.

Global Student Union

GSU is for both international students and students who would like to meet students from other countries. For more information, contact Nizora Haitova at .

Horticulture Club

Horticulture is a branch of biology that directly connects people to their environments through the study and appreciation of plants. It is everything from enjoying flowers on a walk to intensive homestead gardening; from designing captivating landscapes to excitedly calling someone over to see caterpillar frass. Plants are everywhere and whether we interact with them for food, aesthetics, disaster mitigation, ecosystem services, or some combination thereof, there are endless rewards to knowing more about them and being supported by similarly giddy enthusiasts and professionals along the way! We operate in a very decentralized fashion, allowing members great flexibility to propose and carry out many different types of events of their choosing. Come join us for a walk, a weed-pull, or a visit to a community garden! For more information, contact Sara Tanis at .


This is a community of students who want to experience God personally by following Jesus and making an impact in the world. We want to help every KVCC student take their next step with God. For more information, contact Amy Reynolds at or Monica Koning at .


This is a student-led organization that unites LGBTQ+ and allied individuals to build community. For more information, contact Misti Mahon at .

Math Club

This club offers students the opportunity to gather to do fun math activities and will offer tutoring opportunities for all mathematic levels. For more information, contact Lisa Winch at .

Music Club

This student club aims to connect Kalamazoo Valley students with an appreciation and passion for music and its many forms. For more information, contact Isaac Turner at .

Phi Theta Kappa

The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. Alpha Rho Nu is an active chapter, offering activities in the four hallmarks of Phi Theta Kappa: scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship. Other than maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better, however, there are no requirements for continuing membership. For more information, contact Gavin Henry at or Alison Nord at .

Respiratory Care Association

This student organization is for students in the Respiratory Care program. For more information, contact Jason Ramsey at or Susan Pearson at .

Sciences Club

The purpose of Science Club is to bring students of science-related fields together to recognize and promote education, research, service, and community outreach. For more information contact Kevin Wright at .

Spanish Club

The purpose of Spanish Club is promote the use of the Spanish language on campus, promote and spread knowledge of Hispanic culture both on campus and in the community, and promote knowledge of the Spanish speaking world both on campus and in the community. For more information, contact Kevin Fuchs at .

Student Nurses (SNA)

This organization is for students studying nursing. For more information, contact Diana Multer at or Theresa Shane at .

Student Veterans of America

This organization is for student veterans and service members. For more information, contact Marty Adams at .

Tennis Club

This student club offers our students the opportunity to play tennis, meet new people, and to enjoy the outdoors. For more information, contact Steven Ott at .

Valley Future Educator's Club

This club is for students interested becoming a teacher and are looking to network with other aspiring teachers. For more information, contact Cheryl Almeda at .

Valley Writers Association

This club is for students interested in reading and writing poetry, short stories etc. For more information, contact William deDie at .

For more information about any of these Student Organizations or to start one of your own, call Nkenge Bergan at 488-4440 or email at .